Microsoft Office 365 Services offer a wide range of productivity tools. It brings together popular apps like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint with powerful cloud services that encourage collaboration, communication, and storage of data. With Office 365, businesses can access their files and apps from anywhere, on any device, at any time.

The benefits of Microsoft Office 365 are numerous. Firstly, it eliminates the need for costly on-premises servers and hardware, as all applications and data are stored in the cloud. This not only reduces capital expenditure but also simplifies maintenance and upgrades. Additionally, Office 365 provides automatic software updates, ensuring that businesses always have access to the latest features and security patches.

Furthermore, Microsoft Office 365 encourages collaboration and boosts productivity. Features like real-time co-authoring allow multiple team members to work on the same document simultaneously, eliminating the need for lengthy email exchanges. Additionally, Office 365 seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft services like SharePoint and Teams, making organisational document management and communication more efficient.

The Function of Managed Services in Microsoft Office 365 Implementation

Implementing Microsoft Office 365 can be complex, requiring careful planning and expertise. This is where managed services become crucial. Specialising in deploying and managing Microsoft Office 365 environments, managed services providers ensure a smooth transition and offer ongoing support to enterprises.

A crucial role of managed services in Office 365 implementation is the initial setup and configuration. Working closely with enterprises, they understand their specific needs and establish a customised Office 365 environment aligned with their goals. This includes setting up user accounts, configuring email domains, establishing security settings, and transferring data from existing systems.

Managed service providers also play a significant role in user adoption and training. They provide thorough training programs to familiarise employees with the new tools and features of Office 365. This ensures that enterprises maximise the value of their investment by enhancing user productivity and efficiency.

Key Attributes and Advantages of Microsoft Office 365 Managed IT Services

Managed IT Services offer a range of features and benefits that greatly enhance the implementation and management of your Office 365 environments. Here are some key attributes and advantages to consider:

  • 24/7 Technical Support: Managed IT service providers offer round-the-clock technical support, ensuring that enterprises have access to assistance promptly whenever needed. This minimises downtime and ensures quick resolution of any issues or challenges.
  • Proactive Monitoring and Maintenance: Managed service providers continuously monitor Microsoft Office 365 environments to identify and address potential issues before they become critical problems. This proactive approach helps optimise performance and prevent disruptions.
  • Data Security and Compliance: Managed IT service providers implement robust security measures to protect sensitive data and ensure compliance with industry regulations. They can configure security settings, implement multi-factor authentication, and conduct regular security audits to identify vulnerabilities.
  • Backup and Disaster Recovery: Managed IT service providers establish backup and disaster recovery strategies to safeguard business-critical data. This ensures that enterprises can quickly restore their operations and minimise downtime during data loss or system failure.
  • License Management: Microsoft Office 365 offers various subscription plans with different features and licensing options. Managed IT service providers can assist enterprises in selecting the most suitable plan for their needs and manage license allocation, ensuring cost optimisation.

Common Challenges in Microsoft Office 365 Implementation

While Microsoft Office 365 offers numerous benefits, its implementation can present various challenges. It is essential to be aware of these challenges and address them effectively to ensure a smooth deployment. Here are some common hurdles in Office 365 implementation:

  • Data Migration: Transferring data from existing systems to Office 365 can be difficult and time-consuming. Planning and executing the migration are essential to prevent data loss or corruption.
  • User Adoption: Introducing new tools and workflows may face resistance from employees. Training and change management strategies are necessary to encourage user adoption and ensure a seamless transition.
  • Integration with Existing Systems: Many enterprises have existing systems and applications that need to integrate with Office 365. Ensuring seamless integration and data synchronisation may require expertise and careful planning.
  • Security and Compliance: Office 365 environments need to be secure and compliant with industry regulations. Implementing appropriate security measures and ensuring compliance can be complex and time-consuming.
  • Ongoing Support and Maintenance: After Office 365 deployment, ongoing support and maintenance are necessary to ensure optimal performance. This includes regular updates, troubleshooting, and user support.

How Managed Services Improve Workflows in Microsoft Office 365

Managed services play a crucial role in streamlining workflows within Microsoft Office 365. Leveraging their expertise and specialised tools, managed services providers optimise various aspects of the Office 365 environment, resulting in enhanced productivity and efficiency. Here are some ways managed services streamline workflows in Office 365-

Customised Configuration

Managed IT service providers work closely with enterprises to understand their unique workflows and configure Office 365 accordingly. This includes setting up document libraries, workflows, and collaboration sites tailored to the organisation’s specific needs. By customising the configuration, enterprises can streamline workflows and ensure employees can access the right tools and information.


Managed IT service providers can automate repetitive tasks and processes within Microsoft Office 365, saving time and reducing the risk of human error. For example, they can set up automated approval workflows, email notifications, and document version control, ensuring tasks are completed efficiently and consistently.

Integration with Third-Party Applications

Many enterprises rely on third-party applications to streamline their operations. Managed services providers can integrate these applications with Microsoft Office 365, enabling seamless data exchange and synchronisation. This eliminates the need for manual data entry and ensures that information remains up-to-date across different systems.

Collaboration and Communication

Microsoft Office 365 offers powerful collaboration and communication tools like SharePoint and Teams. Managed services providers can optimise these tools to promote effective collaboration within enterprises. They can set up shared workspaces, implement document co-authoring capabilities, and configure communication channels, enabling teams to work together seamlessly.

Training and Support

Managed service providers offer training and support to employees, ensuring they are proficient in using Office 365. This empowers employees to leverage the platform’s full potential and use it to streamline their workflows. Additionally, managed services providers offer ongoing support for troubleshooting and addressing any issues that may arise, minimising disruptions and downtime.

Best Practices for Implementing Microsoft Office 365 Managed Services

Implementing Microsoft Office 365 with managed services requires careful planning and execution. Here are some best practices to consider:

  • Define Clear Objectives: Clearly outline the objectives and expected outcomes of implementing Microsoft Office 365. This will guide the entire implementation process and facilitate measuring success.
  • Engage Stakeholders: Involve key stakeholders from various departments in the planning and decision-making process. Their input and buy-in are crucial for a successful implementation.
  • Thoroughly Assess Requirements: Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the organisation’s needs and identify areas where Office 365 can provide the most value. This ensures that the implementation is tailored to the organisation’s requirements.
  • Plan Data Migration Carefully: Meticulously strategise the data migration process to ensure accurate and secure data transfer. Test the migration process in a controlled environment before executing it in production.
  • Provide Comprehensive Training: Invest in comprehensive training programs to ensure employees are proficient in using Office 365. This promotes user adoption and maximises the benefits of the platform.
  • Regularly Review and Optimise: Continuously review the Office 365 environment and workflows to identify areas for improvement. This includes monitoring usage patterns, gathering user feedback, and implementing changes accordingly.

Choosing the Right Provider for Microsoft Office 365 Managed Services

When selecting a provider for Microsoft Office 365 managed services, it is crucial to consider several factors. Here are some key considerations:

Expertise and Experience

Look for a provider with expertise in Office 365 deployment and management. They should have a proven track record of successful implementations, satisfied clients, and formal Microsoft partner status.

Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

Ensure that the provider offers robust SLAs, guaranteeing response times and issue resolution. This ensures that your enterprise receives the necessary support and assistance when needed.

Security and Compliance

Verify that the provider has strong security measures in place to protect your data and ensure compliance with industry regulations. They should conduct regular security audits and adhere to best practices.

Scalability and Flexibility

Consider your future growth plans and ensure that the provider can scale their services to meet your evolving needs. They should offer flexible pricing models and the ability to add or remove users as required.

References and Reviews

Request references and read reviews from other clients to assess the provider’s reputation and customer satisfaction levels. This will give you confidence in their ability to deliver quality services.

The Cost-Effectiveness of Microsoft Office 365 Managed Services

While there is an initial investment in implementing Microsoft Office 365 with managed services, it is crucial to consider the long-term cost-effectiveness. Here are some reasons why Office 365 managed services can be cost-effective:

Reduced Infrastructure Costs: Office 365 eliminates the need for expensive on-premises servers and hardware, resulting in significant cost savings. Enterprises can further reduce infrastructure costs with managed services by leveraging the provider’s infrastructure and expertise.

Predictable Monthly Costs: Office 365 offers subscription-based pricing, allowing enterprises to budget their IT expenses more effectively. Managed services providers offer predictable monthly costs, including licensing fees, support, and maintenance, making planning and managing IT budgets easier.

Increased Productivity: By streamlining workflows and providing ongoing support, managed services providers help enterprises maximise productivity. This leads to more efficient processes, reduced downtime, and improved employee output, ultimately contributing to cost savings.

Access to Expertise: Office 365 managed services provide enterprises with access to a team of experts who are well-versed in the platform. This eliminates the need to hire and maintain an in-house IT team, resulting in cost savings.

Scalability: As enterprises grow, their IT needs evolve. Office 365 Managed Services offer scalability, allowing enterprises to add or remove users as needed. This ensures that enterprises only pay for the services they require, making it a cost-effective solution.

Bottom Line

TECHOM Systems specializes in providing comprehensive managed and Microsoft Office 365 Services, tailored to meet the unique needs of your business. Transitioning from Powernet to TECHOM Systems ensures seamless integration, empowering your organisation to maximize the benefits of the Microsoft Office 365 suite.

Our team of seasoned professionals is dedicated to delivering exceptional Office 365 services, from initial implementation to ongoing support and optimization. With TECHOM Systems, you gain access to unparalleled expertise, dedicated support, and proactive maintenance, ensuring smooth operations and optimal performance of your Office 365 environment.

Our Managed Services are designed to help you fully leverage the capabilities of Microsoft Office 365. We offer customisation options to tailor the platform to your specific requirements, automate workflows to streamline processes, and seamlessly integrate Office 365 with your existing systems. This translates to enhanced productivity, improved collaboration, and cost savings for your organisation. Partner with TECHOM Systems today to unlock the full potential of Microsoft Office 365 for your business.

Ready to elevate your business with Microsoft Office 365 Services? Don’t delay any further—schedule your Free Consultation call today and embark on this exciting journey with us.

Contact us now at 1800 TOSNOW (1800 867 669) or submit your inquiry directly to Let’s collaborate to unlock the full potential of Office 365 Services for your business.