In business, we spend all day putting out fire after fire. You run from department to department, taking care of the problem at hand, and by the time you sit down. Some businesses believe Proactive Assist is just a way to get more customers.

In reality, it’s important to be proactive about customer service and support. That’s excellent for both the satisfaction of your customers and the reliability of your business.

What is a Proactive Support Service?

Proactive Support Service involves telling customers about a problem, fixing it, and implying the solution.

Simply put, it all comes down to who makes the first move:

  • When a customer must contact a company representative, this is called “reactive customer service.”
  • Proactive assist is when you make the first move.

Being proactive assist and putting your customers first will not only improve the reputation of your brand, but it can also help you make more money. In fact, most brands say that sales go up when they improve customer service.

Why should you be Proactive about service support?

Today’s individuals put a lot of value on being served.

When a brand puts its customers at the centre of everything it does, it does better.

This is why customization is so important and why people feel closer to products and businesses that share their values.

Customers have made it clear that they want proactive customer service and, more specifically, to feel like they are the only customers a company has. Being proactive is a great way to show that your company is committed to giving its customers great service.

When the focus is on the customer and what they can get from doing business with you, they are more likely to feel like you care about them. Customers liked it when customer service was proactive, according to research done by inContact.

Most respondents said it was fine if businesses reached out to them to solve customer service problems, and 75 per cent said their opinion of the company had improved because of a pleasant surprise or a good experience with an incoming call.

Helping customers before they ask for it is a good customer service practice. You could take advantage of it if you still need to do it. So, boost your services through proactive assist.

Proactive Assist examples

There are many ways to give proactive assist to your customers, such as:

  • Getting the most out of your chat triggers and contact channels.
  • Updates on delivery can keep your customers informed and stop them from asking optional questions.
  • Customers can speed up their searches by using recommended and related product categories.
  • Customers can use buying guides to find important information without leaving the page. Think about size charts on clothing sites.
  • In the days before a sudden service interruption, you should apologise and offer other options.

Let’s look at a few reasons that proactive assist does right to see what I mean.

8 important reasons why proactive assist matters

The following are 8 reasons why providing assist should be a top priority for any organisation:

1. Help customers stay with you:

Customers are more likely to buy from a business again if they had a good experience with it the first time. For example, suppose your customer service department has an easy-to-use system for handling online returns. In that case, you can expect to keep more customers and build a loyal fan base of people who like how easy it is to return items.

Increasing your brand’s authority can help improve your customer retention rates by making customers loyal to you. Customer loyalty is better for businesses because they cost a small fraction of what it costs to get a new customer.

2. Get useful feedback from customers for better determinations.

The resources you use to keep track of what your customers do give you valuable feedback. This is an important part of any business that wants to improve.

You can use this customer feedback to make better product decisions. This will help you make better tools that will assist in solving common problems without involving an agent.

3. Reduce Required Support Calls

A proactive assist model requires agents to be always available. After all, the agent knows when a client may encounter an issue that requires immediate assistance.

On the other hand, a proactive strategy may assist you in identifying and resolving frequent difficulties. It simplifies problems before they become actual issues.

This reduces the number of tickets and allows agents to focus on other aspects of the company.

4. Stimulates references

Word-of-mouth referrals come directly from customers who have had a good experience with your business. They tell their friends, family, and co-workers how friendly and helpful your customer service is. They may even post about it on their social network. The people they know are then more likely to buy from you. Most of the time, word-of-mouth advertising is the best and least expensive way to market a business.

When you use proactive assist, you can join the conversation in a way that puts your business in the best light. This helps companies get a better handle on how their brand image is spoken of.

5. Increases the value of a customer over time

Customer retention (CLV) is the sum of money your company can expect to earn from one customer over time. Raising the CLV can make a big difference in your company’s sales without spending more on marketing. If your CLV is going up, it means that each time your customers order, they pay more or buy more often.

Providing good customer service is a great way to boost CLV. Customers are more likely to buy from you again if they have a good shopping experience. It’s also easier to sell new products to people who have already bought from you. Customers who have already had a good experience are more likely to trust the products and services your customer service team recommends.

6. Proactively addresses customer concerns

Proactive assist service is when you reach out to customers before they know there are problems. Being proactive with your customer service lets customers know you’re working to improve their experience.

For instance – If a collection of clients had the same problem and you released a new product or service that fixed it, you could use your ticketing system to find those customers and then let them know about the latest product or service. This approach can work because customers know you’re trying to help them solve problems.

7. Strengthens morale and productivity across the business

If everyone in your company wants good customer service, the work flows more smoothly. For example, your engineers may be more willing to help the sales team, or your creative team may be more inclined to listen to the customer service representatives. In the end, you can make your organisation more helpful by making helping others a top priority.

8. Gives you a competitive edge

An excellent customer service experience does more than bring in new customers and keep the ones you already have. In addition to this, it differentiates you from the other competitors. By providing customer service that is on par with the best in the industry, you can connect values to your business’s brand, bolster your reputation in the marketplace, and demonstrate, by example, that you care about the people who buy your product or service.

Superior Proactive assist can set you apart from the competition

Businesses constantly search for brands with great customer service. Being proactive with your customer service will improve your customers’ experience. At TECHOM Systems, we assist service brands to become ones that customers trust and stick with.

TECHOM Systems- Proactive assist service

TOS knows how hard it is for businesses to adopt modern technology, keep up with evolving business practices, and keep their costs under control. Also, we understand that both big and small companies need to be able to get IT to help quickly and on-demand without having to hire their own IT workforce.

We will help you get ahead of the conversation and gain a competitive edge!

You can be proactive about Proactive Assist service by contacting our experts at +61 3 9005 6868 or by sending them an email at

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