Collaboration at work is no longer just a buzzword or a new trend. It’s a crucial part of project success and a must-have for every large organisation. Collaboration breaks down walls between departments and business units. Modern Collaboration makes it easier for ideas and information to move through the company. Each year, new tools and business processes come out that help project teams work together even better than before. Let’s take a quick look at some of the modern workplace collaboration trends.

Workplace Collaboration: What Is It?

The modern workplace is flexible and conversational, with a lot of emphasis on work-life balance. Depending on your company’s culture, some employees might even come to function in sweatpants from time to time.

Old workplaces are becoming less tied to physical locations. Businesses find that the old, rigid way of thinking hurt efficiency and couldn’t handle new challenges. Modern workplaces have a mixed group of workers improving at solving problems. Employees now use real-time collaboration tools like Skype and Google Docs to talk to their co-workers more effectively. That is like getting employees to work well together from far away.

About modern Workplace Collaboration

The workplace is constantly changing to meet the needs of both workers and superiors. Let’s look at a few workplace trends and how they affect how we do our work.

1. Switching to the Cloud

Almost all the new tools for working together at work are cloud-based, and for a good reason. Cloud technology is less expensive than on-premises solutions, works better with mobile devices, and makes it easier for vendors and other outside parties to work with a company’s core project team.

Switching to the Cloud - Modern Workplace

Enterprise-level project teams use cloud solutions like videoconferencing, screen sharing, instant messaging, and editing shared documents. In the coming years, you can expect more and more companies to use cloud-based collaboration, especially as they move other essential tasks like human resources and project management to the cloud.

2. Transformation

Modern Workplace Collaboration is very different from those of the past. Remote workers and international team members are now more common than not, especially at the enterprise level.

Digital tranformation

More than anything else, the constant improvement of collaboration tools has made the workplace less centralized. In the past, members of remote or offshore teams needed to be more in touch with the central team. This has led to a breakdown in communication and missed deadlines. Now, though, people who work remotely can work as hard with their co-workers.

3. Flexible workforce

Employers find that hiring freelancers makes them more efficient, which is the main reason for this growing trend. This is significant since they save money on healthcare and administration expenses.

Freelance marketplaces like Upwork are helping push the service sector forward. Freelancer, Fiverr, Guru, and LinkedIn enable qualified employees to work from home for various firms worldwide.

Modern Workplace- Freelance Work

Freelancers also benefit a lot from these platforms for outsourcing. Workers enjoy the Modern Workplace Collaboration:

  • They can choose who to work for and how much to get paid.
  • The power to make their own schedules
  • The proficiency in working from home
4. Excellent focus on work-life balance

Businesses have become more dependent on technology. More and more people are working after their shifts are over. The need for employees to stay connected and the fact that business is almost always going on have made it more critical for employees to always be connected.

Employees having to work outside of the office can hurt both their productivity and morale.

According to a report from Deloitte, the most important thing for millennials when choosing a job is a good balance between work and personal life. Millennials are less loyal to their employers than their older counterparts and put more value on their interests. If a company wants to hire and keep talented millennials, it needs to offer a balance between work and personal life and be flexible.

Employers can help with this by letting workers pick their own hours or giving them opportunities to work from home:

Modern Workplace Collaboration Trends

Employers know their workers are under pressure. They understand that a stressed-out, overworked employee is less likely to be productive. Because of this, more employers are giving workers flexible schedules to fit in doctor’s appointments, family events, and other personal matters. Companies are shifting their focus from hours spent in the office to deadlines and results.

5. Co-Working Spaces

Even when project teams work in the same place, they change how they work together with Modern Workplace Collaboration. Many global firms now have shared spaces where employees can work in less formal but more productive groups. These shared spaces are often used with videoconferencing technology so that team members who don’t work in the same office can talk to the whole team anytime.

6. Reanalyzing conventional concert review

Reviewing someone’s performance usually happens once a year. You’d work all year, work with co-workers, complete projects, and fulfill deadlines. You would model for your boss at the end of the year and get a score. This lets you see how well your job performance matches the job’s duties.

In addition to being a lousy way to do things, it can also affect morale. Since staff thinks they did an excellent profession all year.

Weekly or monthly reviews replace annual reviews so employers can give more immediate feedback. Kris Duggan from Fast Company says that today’s workers need regular feedback, open communication, and working with their peers.

Employers know that frequent performance reviews help people understand goals and boost morale. Because of this, Deloitte found that most businesses want to change how they manage performance. The research showed that companies that look at employee performance at least once every three months do better than those that only do it once a year.

7. Batter ways than email

Email started to lose popularity in many organizations almost as soon as it replaced the fax machine and interoffice memo. However, email has significantly improved over older communication methods. It has a bad reputation for sending too many messages and taking too much time daily. Modern workplace collaboration tools make it easier and more direct for project teams to talk to each other. However, they can still share essential documents or updates via email.

Explore Clarizen’s top-of-the-line project management system in Modern Workplace Collaboration. This helps to learn more about how collaboration can help improve the performance of your projects and your bottom line.

Modern workplace keeps getting different.

The above trends are some of the most noticeable changes that employees and employers see today. Companies that put team success ahead of individual success and programs to help employees stay healthy are also rising.

What new trends will stick around and change how we work?

TECHOM Systems- Get Modern Workplace solution

At TECHOM System, we are a young Microsoft solution provider that focuses on Office 365 and Azure. Their expertise allows them to design seamless hybrid solution plans for clients that will enable your business to operate both online and offline.


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